19th EGOWS meeting
9th - 12th June 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia


The Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, Meteorological office,is pleased to announce the 19th European Working Group on Operational [Meteorological] Workstations (EGOWS) , to be held in Ljubljana between the 9th and 12th June 2008. It will be organised by the Meteorological Office.

The EGOWS is an informal forum for people working in the development field of operational meteorological workstations. It was founded in 1990. as an informal forum for people working in the field of the development of meteorological workstations for operational use. The meeting will be structured into three parts: presentations, demonstrations and working group sessions. The meeting will give the participants the opportunity to compare notes and discuss latest developments. Furthermore it is intended as a place where participants can show their current operational systems. The conference language is English.

Please do not hesitate to contact the organising committee for any comments, remarks and questions. Suggestions of any specific issues you would wish to include in the agenda for general discussion are welcome.

 Last update: 22 Jan 2008
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Vojkova 1b, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Tel: +386 (0)1 4784 000 Fax: +386 (0)1 478 40 54